Jon Stewart Dresses Up as Miley Cyrus on 'Daily Show' Return
After summer break, host returns a little out of touch
Jon Stewart returned to The Daily Show from his summer hiatus and didn't miss a beat when it came to catching up on what he had missed: within minutes he was mocking Miley Cyrus' now infamous VMA performance. The Daily Show host had taken the summer off to direct his first film, Rosewater.
Stewart was welcomed back by fill-in host John Oliver, who found his boss in his office, muttering unintelligibly. "Jon's back, but I think the Middle East has changed him," says Oliver to fellow correspondent Jessica Williams. "He's not even acting American. Get a defibrillator. And two Big Macs."
Miley Cyrus Speaks Up About VMAs Performance
The resulting shock over-Americanizes Stewart, who emerges in plaid and camo gear, ranting about Obamacare and Paula Deen. Follow-up adjustments lead to scenes of him as a Smurf, a prophet and Freddie Mercury before at last emerging with pig tails and a flesh-toned leotard à la Miley Cyrus. The comedian proceeds to mock Cyrus' tonge-wagging while rubbing himself with a foam finger.
Ultimately, it takes the most American man on TV – Stephen Colbert, of course – to reacclimate Stewart to life in these United States.